Claus Prochnow *1930 t2008

From 1994 were published his books Rollei Report 1, Rollei Report 2, Rollei Report 3, Rollei Report 4 and Rollei Report 5 about the complete Rollei production from 1920 to 2000 with the company history, the detailed technical description for the products, models development history, prototypes, serial numbers, photographs, diagrams and additional data, he created a system to catalogue the Rollei production called "Prochnow Register, PR ...."; 1360 pages plenty of very good info (Rollei Report 2 had a new reviewed edition in 2001 and the Report 3 in 2006). He also published a Rollei Technical Report and a special book dedicated to the Rollei 35 camera, "Rollei 35, Eine Kamera Geschichte" and a booklet for the English translation, "Rollei 35, a Camera History", the Rollei Report 1 has a booklet for the English translation too. He also wrote three "Voigtländer Report" about the Voigtländer production from 1840, the last one appeared in October 2007. Mr. Claus Prochnow passed away 31/July/2008, he was from Brunswick (Braunschweig) "the oldest camera town" according he liked to say.
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Labels: claus prochnow, engineer, libros rollei, rollei 35, rollei books, rollei report, rollei sl 66
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