Rolleinar 3 BIII
Rolleinar was the close-up lenses name for Rollei TLR cameras if made by Rollei, Proxar if made by Carl Zeiss and Curtar if made by Schneider; from the '70s Rolleinar also was the name for some lenses made for Rollei 35mm reflex cameras.
Rolleinar 3 close-up lens, BI,II and III is a bit rarer than 1 and 2 because the manufacture period was shorter(1957-1981) than for others Rolleinars .
Rolleinar 3 is difficult to work with, the 32-24 cm focusing distance range is narrow and then if you are photographing camera handheld is better to move your body with the camera within the focusing range than to focus with the focusing knob.
A beautiful equipment and setup.
Thank you very much
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